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作者: admin  发布: 2016-05-13 分类:全部文章 阅读: 269次

What makes us human are the emotions we experience on a regular basis. But that's not necessarily a bad thing -- it's actually what makes life valuable.
人之所以为人石田翠 ,正是因为我们不时地体会各种各样的情感。不过情绪化并不是件坏事,这反而让人生更有价值天使寄宿者 。
Below are 11 feelings that you should experience at some point in your life:
1. The feeling when you travel to a new place.
1. 去新鲜的地方旅游的感觉
There are few things more exhilarating than exploring uncharted territory, whether it's in another country or in your own city.
不论是另一个国家也好山海丹胶囊,在本地也好乩童起乩 ,没有什么比探索未知领域更让人兴奋了。
2. The feeling after laughing so hard your stomach hurts.
2. 笑到胃痛的感觉
Laughter truly is the best medicine. Studies suggest it can boost your immune system, lower blood pressure and, yes, increase your happiness levels.
3. The feeling when someone says "I love you."
3. 有人对你说:“我爱你”的感觉。
It doesn't mater if it's coming from your significant other, your parents or your best friend: Love is a biologically wired mind-body experience. It's the one feeling that's completely universal.
爱是一种身心的体验,这不仅限于你的另一半警花皇妃 ,还包括父母和好朋友那儿的爱。爱是一种无国界的情感银贡山庄 。
4. The feeling when someone is kind to you.
4. 被善待的感觉
Pay it forward and keep the cycle going.
5. The feeling after speaking your mind.
5. 大声表达自己看法的感觉
Research suggests over-thinking can not only make you more stressed but stand in the way of even performing simple tasks. You have every right to express your thoughts and opinions. State them clearly and with conviction.
调查表明武道圣王 ,考虑过度不仅会带来更多的压力,更会妨碍简单问题的解决超凡者游戏。你完全有权力表达自己的想法,大胆坚定地说出来吧!
6. The feeling when someone just gets you.
6. 有人懂你的感觉
You know the one: The peanut butter to your jelly. The Harry Potter to your Ron Weasley.There are few feelings greater than knowing you found your person.
你知道我在说谁:TA就是果冻的花生酱,罗恩的哈利波特晴雯判词 。真的没有什么比拥有懂你的伙伴更棒的事情了大足黑山羊。
7. The feeling of heartbreak.
7. 心碎的感觉
It's impossible to go through life just experiencing fluffy feelings. There are gritty parts威威阔少爷 , tooscc川川, including all-consuming heartache. However阴约惊魂 , those are also the moments when we learn the most about ourselves.
人生中想要永远拥有舒适的感觉是不可能的,总有时候,你的心会被狠狠刺痛天狐劫 。然而痛彻心扉之时也是彻底自我醒悟之时。
8. The feeling when you're cuddling a cute pet.
8. 抱抱可爱宠物的感觉
Pets make you happier and healthier. If you want to know what unconditional love is英灵君王 , spend some time with a dog and you'll see what I mean.
9. The feeling after waking up from a really good night's sleep.
9. 舒适睡到自然醒的感觉
Sleep is for the strong. Waking up well-rested allows you to tackle your day with ease and enthusiasm.
睡眠让你更强壮。从舒适的睡眠中醒来,你会感觉身轻如燕西线兵魂 ,活力满满。
10. The feeling of success.
10. 成功的感觉
Doesn't matter if it's big or small,林杰妮 you deserve to feel a sense of accomplishment. Research shows it will help you stay accountable.
11. The feeling of being alone.
11. 独处的感觉
That's not to be confused with loneliness. There's solace to be found in being by yourself and enjoying your own company. Alone time is healthy for your mental well-being. Why wouldn't you want to hang out with yourself何必太多情 ?
不要把独处和孤独混淆了百家讲坛易经 。能在独处中感到快乐事件幸事,对身心健康都有好处。为什么不试着自己取悦自己呢迷途追凶 ?
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我不去想,是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。 我不去想,能否赢得爱情,既然钟情于玫瑰,就勇敢地吐露真诚。 我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。 我不去想,未来是平坦还是泥泞,只要热爱生命, 一切,都在意料之中!