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作者: admin  发布: 2020-10-19 分类:全部文章 阅读: 251次


请点击公众号菜单栏“加入社群”。很久以前,史提芬阿迪斯站在纽约街头抱着他的女儿,妻子帮他们拍了一张照片。这张照片引发了每年一度的父女小传统季如风 ,阿迪斯和女儿每年在同一地方摆同一个姿势拍照。阿提斯分享了这15张珍贵的照片,并探讨为什么这些重复的小传统意义非凡任剑辉 。

Photography has been my passion ever since I was old enough to pick up a camera, but today I want to share with you the 15 most treasured photos of mine, and I didn't take any of them. There were no art directors, no stylists, no chance for reshoots, not even any regard for lighting. In fact, most of them were taken by random tourists.
自从我足够大拿起相机以来,我一直热衷摄影,但我今天想和你们分享15张我最珍爱的照片,它们没有一张是我拍的黑街二人组 。没有艺术指导,没有造型师,没有重拍的机会,更别提灯光效果。事实上,它们大多数是随机找来的游客拍的。
My story beginswhen I was in New York City for a speaking engagement,and my wife took this picture of me holding my daughteron her first birthday. We're on the corner of 57th and 5th.We happened to be back in New York exactly a year later,so we decided to take the same picture.
我的故事源起于有一次我获邀到纽约市演讲,我的妻子拍了张照片孔瑶竹 ,我抱着我的女儿那天是她的一岁生日。我们站在第57大道和第5大道的交界处。碰巧一年后,我们又回到了纽约市,所以我们决定拍一张同样的照片。
Well you can see where this is going. Approaching my daughter's third birthday, my wife said, "Hey, why don't you take Sabina back to New York and make it a father-daughter trip, and continue the ritual?" This is when we started asking passing tourists to take the picture.
你可以猜到事情是怎么发展的。接近女儿三岁生日时,妻子说,“嘿,凌潇潇 你为什么不带萨比娜回纽约末世求生录,来个父女之旅硬汉学校 ,继续这个小传统?”也就是从这次开始我们找路上的游客帮我们拍照。
You know九秀网 , it's remarkable how universal the gesture is of handing your camera to a total stranger. No one's ever refused, and luckily no one's ever run off with our camera.
Back then, we had no idea how much this trip would change our lives. It's really become sacred to us. This one was taken just weeks after 9/11, and I found myself trying to explain what had happened that day in ways a five-year-old could understand.
那时大果榆,我们并不知道这样的旅程会深深改变我们的生活德保苏铁 。对我们而言,它渐渐变得神圣起来秋彤搏击操。这张是在911的几周后拍的,我那时尝试解释911那天发生的事试图采用让这个五岁孩子明白的方式。
So these photos are far more than proxies for a single moment, or even a specific trip. They're also ways for us to freeze time for one week in October and reflect on our times and how we change from year to year孟晓艺 , and not just physically, but in every way. Because while we take the same photo, our perspectives change, and she reaches new milestones, and I get to see life through her eyes, and how she interacts with and sees everything. This very focused time we get to spend together is something we cherish and anticipate the entire year.
所以这些照片远远不止是记录了一个瞬间菲尔西斯 ,或一次特别的旅程。它们是我们保藏时间的方式记住10月的某一周,让我们回想岁月,以及我们年复一年是如何变化的,不止是身体上的变化,而是各方面的变化。因为,我每年们拍同样的照片,我们的视角并不一样,女儿她到达新的里程碑,我透过她的眼睛看待生活,看她如何反应,如何看待一切。这是我们亲子相处的时间,是一年里面我们最珍惜也最期待的时间。
Recently, on one trip, we were walking, and she stops dead in her tracks, and she points to a red awning of the doll store that she loved when she was little on our earlier trips. And she describes to me the feeling she felt as a five-year-old standing in that exact spot. She said she remembers her heart bursting out of her chest when she saw that place for the very first time nine years earlier. And now what she's looking at in New York are colleges宝康市 , because she's determined to go to school in New York. And it hit me: One of the most important things we all make are memories.
So I want to share the idea of taking an active role in consciously creating memories. I don't know about you, but aside from these 15 shots, I'm not in many of the family photos. I'm always the one taking the picture. So I want to encourage everyone today to get in the shot数九隆冬 , and don't hesitate to go up to someone and ask, "Will you take our picture?" Thank you.
1.英文翻唱:小情歌Little Loving Song





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我不去想,是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。 我不去想,能否赢得爱情,既然钟情于玫瑰,就勇敢地吐露真诚。 我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。 我不去想,未来是平坦还是泥泞,只要热爱生命, 一切,都在意料之中!