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作者: admin  发布: 2020-03-11 分类:全部文章 阅读: 243次


United Nations Days We are here to protect our earth!
10月23日春之雪 ,上海田家炳中学第九周升旗仪式上国际部同学带来了“同护一片天,共享一份和平”的主题演讲。从1947年起,每年的十月二十四日,被定为联合国日。联合国日(United Nations Day)是1947年联合国大会为纪念《联合国宪章》正式生效和联合国正式成立而确定的节日。联合国的主旨是为维持国际和平与安全,发展国际间友好关系,促进经济、社会、文化及人类福利等方面的国际合作。

旅游是传播文明、交流文化、增进友谊的桥梁,已经成为现代社会人们生产生活的重要组成部分,而绿色旅游如今也成了人们的共识。水谷幸也 在全球各地,旅游正成为各国近年来新的产业发展方向。有的国家一直努力平衡经济和环境间的关系,在乌干达,面对许多未开垦的天然景点,政府选择从长计议,稳妥制定发展规划;在格鲁吉亚,当局邀请全世界的记者来感受和讨论,如何让风景被世界看见;在瑞士,关注保持自然资源,实现旅游业的包容性增长已经成为国民共识
可持续旅游其实也是在推动环裴翠翠 保可持续发展的理念。就在今年,2017年联合国提出了可持续旅游作为今年联合国日的主题。这是一个独特的机会,意大利甲级联赛 旨在推动经济,社会,生活三方面的和谐发展,尤其是对旅游业进行深入研究。这有利于我们坚持以绿色发展为优先,把开发服从保护的理念贯穿于旅游规划、建设、管理、服务全过程,提升旅游生态文明价值。

在我们当中,也有人是真正的去到了联合国张镇宇 ,去见过感受过那里。那么就让国际部十一年级的郑智健同学与我们分享一下文本分割器 ,联合国之旅带给他的启发。
Greeting, everyone.
My name is Alan赣安驾校, come from Tianjiabin senior high.
Well申凤善 , on my recent trip to the New York City, to the United Nations, I learned something new about our Earth, like what we’re facing and what are we gonna do. Now let me share with you one special phrase that we mentioned a lot — The Global Warming.
In twenty-first century, compared to the last few decades, the global average temperature has risen 0.7 degrees, and this data is still increasing today. So fast does the global warming aggravated, that means we have to do something.
Therefore, I went to the US, worked with an environmental protection institute called renewable nations. I attended various lectures in theme of global warming and some of the community works. Sure, all about renewable. And on the lecture, one of my professor would like to use China as the example more often, it is not because of any negative comments, but concerns about China’s recent activities on the environment.
As a Chinese, I can tell you that China is really putting efforts on changing the situation. Since 2015, China has become the top in investing renewable resources. And all these renewable devices are coming to our daily lives, like a solar charger I bought for “protecting our environment”. And the solar heater on my roof. Also the electrical car has just been generalized, and a series of policies been published.
But, here’s the question.
How can we eliminate all these emissions? At least how can we reduce it?
Do you realize that, bike sharing is booming in every big city in China? All these shared bikes are everywhere, and you can just directly take one nearby, and go somewhere else at a very low price.
See, reduce the emissions, and get healthier. Great idea, isn't it?
Another one is pretty interesting, and it is exactly like what it called- the Web-Planting. 10 RMB for 1 tree, and since 2009, more than 7 millions of trees been planted by person and company. All these donations are going to plant a real tree in all these deprived places in China.
See, help others, and protect the environment.
Pretty awesome魅世狂音 , isn't it?
And these are not the only things we can do. What’s important is, to encourage others to conserve, to protect, to protist.
Now it's time to make the choice苏拉玛楷模 , the choice that may change your family绝对征服, our China, and even the whole world.
Are you going to be the doctor, or the onlooker?

Saving Earth Promise Song”

感谢这些可爱的女生给我们带来的美妙而意义非凡的歌曲陈大愚 。我相信我们各个都可以为我们地球家园的可持续发展贡献出自己的一份力量瑜伽拜月式 ,最后我呼吁我们行动起来吧警苑神掌 !

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我不去想,是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。 我不去想,能否赢得爱情,既然钟情于玫瑰,就勇敢地吐露真诚。 我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。 我不去想,未来是平坦还是泥泞,只要热爱生命, 一切,都在意料之中!