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幸福源【视频】吹口哨 小猪佩奇儿童英语——小猪佩奇第三季28-小猪佩奇儿童英语

作者: admin  发布: 2020-02-13 分类:全部文章 阅读: 247次

【视频】吹口哨 小猪佩奇儿童英语——小猪佩奇第三季28-小猪佩奇儿童英语

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小猪佩奇是一个可爱的但是有些小专横的粉红小猪猪柳叶瓶 。佩奇最喜欢做的事情是玩游戏阜康陨石,喝橙汁,打扮成小仙女公主,渡假,以及在小泥坑里快乐的跳上跳下和与苏西羊(她最好的朋友)乔治(她的弟弟)一起玩儿,拜访她的猪爷爷,猪奶奶雨蝶简谱 。
也许,我们给不了孩子小猪佩奇那样的童年特雷门琴 ,但至少我们能做到:认真陪伴孩子一起成长,享受做父母的快乐玛丽马汀 。
从今天起春天后母心,小猪佩奇儿童英语将推出《小猪佩奇》动画片连载魏一宁,并且是中英文双语,是孩子启蒙读物、亲子阅读和英语学习的绝佳素材哦。LET'S GO!


It is a lovely sunny morning.
And Daddy Pig is reading his news paper.
Daddy what are you doing?
I'm reading the newspaper.
You are making a funny sound.
I'm whistling! Uh!
Whistling is fun. You should try it!
I don't know how to.
It's easy! Just put
your lips together and blow!
Try making a smaller" o" shape.
Like this!
And then you could whistle a tune.
Oh, I've got the wrong kind of mouth.
Your mouth is fine!
You just need to practice.
It's impossible!
It takes time to learn
how to do important things
like riding a bicycle or playing the piano.
It took me years to
learn how to wiggle my ears.Wow!
Mommy Pig is in
the kitchen making cookies.
What are you doing, Peppa?
I'm learning to whistle.
Oh, I see.
Mommy九阳剑圣, can you whistle?
I don't know. I've never tried.
It takes a lot of practice.Oh, yes贝朗医疗!
Mommy Pig can whistle.
You can whistle
because you are old, mommy.
Thank you, Peppa.
George is in the bedroom,
playing with his toy rocket.
George, I'm learning to whistle.
You make an "o "
shape with your mouth and blow.
Don't worry George.
It's almost
impossible like wiggling your ears.
George can wiggle his ears.
Whistling is harder.
George can whistle!
What's wrong, Peppa?
I can't whistle but everybody else can.
Never mind. I'm making cookies.
Would you like to lip a spoon?
No. Thank you. Mommy
Can I ring Suzie sheep instead?
Ok Peppa
Hello Mrs. Pig.
Hello Mrs. Sheep.
Can Peppa talk to Suzie please?
Hello Suzie.
Hello Peppa.
What're you doing法网群英 ?
I'm learning
to whistle but I can't do it yet.
That sounds hard!
It's impossible.
Uh…Can you whistle Suzie爱奴雅?No.
Oh good!幸福源
I mean that's
so difficult whistle. But good.
Because I can't whistle.
What's whistling anyway?
You put your lips together and blow.
Like this?
Hello? Peppa?
Good cookies are ready!
Oh天佑鲍比 ! Goody! Cookies宫炎平片 !
They will be hot!蒋多多
You should blow on them first.
Do you not want cookie Peppa?
No京旺家园 , thank you mommy.
I think I might go outside
and be on my own for a little bit.
Can you whistle yet?
It's no use daddy.
I'm never going to whistle. Ever蛇肉的做法 !
Have you been practicing?
Yes, lots.. But it doesn't work!
You need a little rest, Peppa.
Here have a cookie.
It's hot. You should blow.
Oh! What's that?
It sounded like a whistle to me!
What a lovely tune红旅漫画!
Peppa has learned how to whistle!
I can whistle!

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我不去想,是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。 我不去想,能否赢得爱情,既然钟情于玫瑰,就勇敢地吐露真诚。 我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。 我不去想,未来是平坦还是泥泞,只要热爱生命, 一切,都在意料之中!